Recruiting Q & A

Explore the following compilation of frequently asked questions posed by student-athletes, providing valuable insights and comprehensive answers that address the key queries often encountered on the path to athletic and academic success.

As soon as possible. There is no such thing as starting too early but there is the potential to start too late. Although NCAA coaches cannot directly communicate with a prospective student-athlete until June 15 ahead of their Junior Year (Grade 11) that shouldn't stop you from sending them emails and highlight film.

Yes. Highlight video (and even full game video) is crucial for an athlete to generate interest from coaches and schools. Make sure it is high quality, recent game film that serves to best highlight all the qualities that would make you an asset to any team.

The NCAA Eligibility Centre is essentially a clearing house for all student-athletes so that programs can ensure a prospective recruit meets all the athletic and academic requirements to be eligible to play in the NCAA. And YES, there are requirements.

The NCAA recently waived the SAT/ACT scores to determine athlete eligibility however, just because the NCAA waived it does not mean that a school no longer requires it for the basis of academic admission.
More and more NCAA schools are moving to a test-optional system however athletes should confirm with a program whether it will be required for admission and plan accordingly.

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Scholarship rules are vastly different between Canada and the US.

In Canada, it varies between provinces, but no school can offer Athletic Financial Aid (AFA) greater than the cost of tuition and mandatory fees.

In the US it varies between NCAA divisions and the NAIA. There is also significant differences between states, and private and public institutions, with respect to total cost of attendance and international tuition rates.

Athletes and their families should focus on a realistic budget for attending school - with or without scholarship.